great :)
To blatantly disagree with the poster below me, I don't think this "tried hard" to make killing a turkey look disgusting. It looks exactly the way it is done, only the people who are so used to chopping heads off, and removing organs would probably not be phased by something like this. I think it was a very accurate portrayal of a person who kills their own turkeys. I think the poster below me is not only ignorant, but ill-educated. But that's just my opinion.
I think there needs to be more Go-Veg Games out there. Not just the horrible and cruel videos Peta offers to show what goes on in those factories. This was one of them. I'm not a vegetarian, nor vegan, but I've worked in a Vegetarian Restaurant and I do believe that not being a meat eater is very healthy and beneficial. I can see the arguments people would have. You're not getting vitamins, protein, yadda yadda yadda, but I think people who chose to not eat animals are very open minded and intelligent.
Please don't get me wrong, because if there's one thing I love, it's a stead with ai sauce. But I would love to be a vegan. I couldn't be a vegetarian because I would not stand to eat bi-products. I'd have to do it all the way.
anyways, i digress. this was a wonderful game and it was very informational as well as inspiring. maybe this could have turned not only mama to being a veg :)000000000